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18 March 2019

Legend of the Origin of Sikidang Dieng Crater

Sikidang Dieng Crater is famous for the phenomenon of its crater pool which can move or jump in a large area. That is why Sikidang Crater is one of the many craters in the tourist area of ​​the most popular Dieng Plateau. Here's the Legend of the Origin of Sikidang Dieng Crater.
After all, there is a beautiful princess named Shinto Dewi. He lived in a magnificent palace on the Dieng Plateau. The beauty of the princess is famous everywhere. However, none of the men succeeded in proposing to her, because Shinto Dewi always required an immeasurable dowry.
A prince named Kidang Garungan was interested in applying for Shinto Dewi. He believes that his wealth can fulfill the requirements proposed by Shinto Dewi. Then, he sent his messenger to the Dieng Plateau to apply.
"Our arrival here is to convey the proposal of Prince Kidang Garungan. Prince praised the amount of the dowry that Putri submitted, "said the envoy Pangeran Kidang Garungan.
Princess Shinta Dewi thought for a moment. This rich prince who was asking for his hand must have been a handsome and authoritative person. If not, surely the prince won't propose to him.
Marriage proposal Prince Kidang Garungan was accepted by Shinto Dewi. Prince Garungan was very happy when he heard that the reception was accepted. He immediately prepared a wedding.
When the wedding day arrived, Prince Kidang Garungan and his entourage came to Shinta Dewi's residence. When meeting the Prince, Shinto Dewi was very surprised, because it turned out that Prince Kidang Garungan was a man with a head (deer) or a deer.
Then, Princess Shinto Dewi thought hard how to cancel the wedding. Therefore, he made a difficult requirement for his future husband.
"Kanda, there is one more condition that Kanda must fulfill if she wants to marry me. This area lacks clean water, Dinda wants Kanda to make a well overnight. Kanda himself must do the well, "said Putri Shinta Dewi.
"Alright, Dinda. Kanda will fulfill these conditions, "replied the prince.
Prince Kidang Garungan started making wells in the location designated by Princess Shinto Dewi. With his supernatural powers, he dug a well using only his hands and horns. When the day before morning, the well being made was almost finished. This made Princess Shinto Dewi panic.

Because she did not want to marry the deer-headed prince, Princess Shinto Dewi mobilized her bodyguard to hoard the land that was being excavated by Prince Kidang Garungan. The prince panicked when suddenly the land began to land and hoarded it. By exerting his magic, an explosion arose and Prince Kidang Garungan tried to get out of the gap in the pile of land.

When seen Prince Kidang Garungan almost came out of the well that was buried in the land, the troops of Princess Shinto Dewi returned to hoard it.

At that time, Prince Kidang Garungan had sworn his oath to Shinto Dewi, "Later all descendants of Princess Shinta Dewi will have loose hair (dreadlocks)."

Then, Prince Kidang Garungan died in a pile of land.

The exploding well gradually becomes a crater which is then called Sikidang. Until now in the Dieng Plateau, many people have dreadlocks like the curse of Prince Kidang Garungan.

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Legend of the Origin of Sikidang Dieng Crater

Sikidang Dieng Crater is famous for the phenomenon of its crater pool which can move or jump in a large area. That is why Sikidang Crater i...